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is slipping around icy Seattle.
Seattle snow craziness - 2 buses crash, one is hanging over the freeway! Live video -
reading about website readability:
RT @greenergood Today's Goal (22): Write down 5 things you are doing to go green. More at
@ctemp we got about 6 inches of the fluffy stuff here today, shutting down the city. people are sledding in the streets.
@vivekraman or perhaps it's a tautology.
Theory - it doesn't feel like Christmas until it's snowing.
R/T @greenergood: Today's Goal (21): Read Amory Lovis article, another Saudi Arabia under Detriot. More at:
Reading about the New Liberal Order
R/T @greenergood Today’s Goal (16): Ask for one less thing this year. More at:
Many Americans are sympathetic to the shoe-throwing Iraqi journalist:
@stewtopia Do you mean how many users you can create for Google Apps for your Domain? I think 100.
Stuck in my head: "The best time to plant a tree was 40 years ago. The second-best time is now."
@greenergood (14) DONE - Spent an hour+ outside enjoying the snow and making phone calls.
Reading up on "feebates" - policies to promote pro-societal consumer choices, like buying more efficient cars. Clever!
RT @greenergood: Today's Goal (14): Plan (at least) an hour this weekend to connect with nature somehow. More at:
Setting up Gmail Tasks - pretty neat. I like how it shows you completed tasks by day, and the Shift-T task creation from an email thread.
is taking a vitamin with his beer - or is it the other way around?
@ctemp You can make up for it by having another beer, but from a local brewery. =)
@jc22 I do lots of both, but I'd rather not share my code snippets. =)


Jason Calacanis Elliott Ng randy stewart Eric Olson Tony Wright Adam Loving Barack Obama Kristen Nicole Renato J. Mascardo Andrew Chen Justin Chen Audrey Sousa Mohit Srivastava Mikhail Seregine Nathan Kaiser Justin Saul Christine Lu chuck templeton Hans Omli Leigh viv smallbizanswers Rob McNealy sioksiok Garry Tan Tina Su EmileCambry jmslau johnhcook mjlyons basecn China 2.0 Tour Hubert Hu The Wedding Lens elberthu THE_REAL_SHAQ