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Having a blast in Oz and experiencing firsthand that Australians are the most charming people in the world.
@manitou - and get your Easter baskets out too!
Apple Genius had never seen an iPhone with no liquid damage do what mine did. Now synching my brand new one!
Landed in Orlando - with an iPhone that was DOA. I will be spending tomorrow morning at the Apple store
Weird day: Memorial service in the morning, 40th b'day party tonight.
My friend Dorothea lost her house last night in the horrific Santa Barbara fire. Can u imagine seeing your life go up in flames?
I am addressing Christmas cards. Yes. I am serious.
@chrisrbailey - we've been here for a year! Too funny that they took the photo when the chemical toilet was planted in the front yard.
Just checked out my address on Google street view - where you'll see a palm tree and a chemical toilet. Nice.
Congrats to my niece Natasha for being chosen Homecoming Princess yesterday!
it's only 4:00 but the dogs are certain that it's dinner time
Whoa. Adobe billboard on 101 north at De La Cruz. I almost drove off the road.
Explaining twitter/following people to a non user. His response: I'm a leader, not a follower. Right.
@drewmcmanus - where you on the train again when it happened?
Going to get Yellow Fever shot. Ouch.
@xtian666 - congratulations! it's about time.
I am certain I made the right decision and did not pursue a career in nursing. I don't really like taking care of sick people.


Thor Muller Amy Muller Drew McManus Spencer McManus Jonathan Grubb kestrin pantera: KP2 Caitlin Chris Bailey Barry Barack Obama Cara Cassidy Katie Delahaye Paine Christian Thomas Sonny Cloward Dooce Diana Nagai Michele Mandell aaronstacey Desiree mark_jordan diablocody Vince Maggiore hodgman ClosLaChance dailycoyote jenlouden Karen Talavera kmerly