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The value of a pundits analysis is conversely proportional to the number of titles they are given.
We are divided between those who think with their heads and those who know with their heart.
Fasten your seatbelts and move your tray tables to the up and locked position, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.
@jyamasaki it happens when you get old!
Be thankful for what you have! Demand for charitable services is up while donations are significantly down. Volunteer or donate.
@hockleyd job changing inspired ... just thinking about the stress and work to establish credibility ... all over again
Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end.
Coloring inside the lines may get you accepted. Coloring outside of them may get you noticed. Coloring around them may get things done.
Spent waaaay too much time today remastering and organizing my MP3s for my iPod Nano 4G ... but worth it!
Need to buy a new mobile phone today .. is the iPhone a foregone conclusion? checking HTC Fuze too!
Wathing a science show with my 4 y/o, they froze a live frog, defrosted just fine, hopping around again. Frogs use glucose cell antifreeze.
My suggestion is that you eliminate all the blah, blah, blah
Do you know enough? If not, what are you doing about it? If so, who do you think you're kidding?
@jyamasaki Is this how you spend your day at work?!? ;-)
@hockleyd I have to admit, Twirl ( is pretty cool too for Twitter ... a great Adobe Air app example!
Word of the day is "bodacity" ... combination of the words bodacious and audacity.
Hate Outlook folders like I do? Time to check Taglocity:, gmail-like Outlook


Jerry Michalski Dion Hinchcliffe Stowe Boyd Ryan Stewart Robert Scoble James Governor jennY microformats Loic Le Meur David Armano Chris Pirillo Phil Haack Don MacAskill Michael Arrington Peter Kim Lauren Cooney Don Campbell Dale L. Larson Tim O'Reilly Wesabe Joseph Smarr Yama Brent Tam dylan LLiu (Telligent) Ken Heft Joel Postman Axel Schultze Deano Guy Kawasaki Oliver Marks Andrew Careaga Aaron Strout Elijah Manor Karen Hartline bkmuzic