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Web pro edu summit
In con room for panel. Lots of yelling and it has not even started yet.
At westin a bit early. Anyone around?
You sir, since I know not your name, shall henceforth be known as Guy Who Doesn't Wash His Hands.
Had a great idea for a t-shirt. It's called "Salary with Benefits." Now... if I could only draw digitally. Or Draw.
@abbyxmix yes, but they aren't giving ME money. Therefore I remain incredulous that Twitter can be monetized. I need proof!
@jasonfried There isn't a product like this because the ingredients of Hot Chocolate become part of the drink. Coffee and Tea do not.
Please PayPal $5 (or your country's equiv.) to fajalar[at] Results will tell if Twitter can be monetized. Must know if it's poss.
@dszuc don't start any riots.
@adamconnor linkedin is better. I'll take a look and let you know.
@adamconnor send me your rez or linkedin profile
RT @scifri: Happy 40th Birthday Mouse, HyperText, et al.
love how SharePoint asks if you want to open a file for Read Only or Edit. Then prompts you to save changes in RO mode with no changes made.
@jzip you should take a screenshot of that update and tape it to the coffee machine:)
at the cooking class with Sagan. Much fun. reported F18 crash site.
@everyone: Anyone work for or know someone who works for Tobii ( @ or DM me. thx!
and the school nurse just called so I'll be WFH for the rest of the day.
just hit the "aw fuck it" moment with this interface. stuck on one interface design? move to another, come back later.


Mr Messina Thomas Vander Wal caleb Lisa McMillan Molly E. Holzschlag Keith Emily Chang Kevin Cheng lisa Erik Patrick Haney Josue Salazar Colin Devroe Kyle Bradshaw Josh Aaron Gustafson Derek Featherstone Matthew Pennell Phu Steve Marshall Doug March Josh Williams Andrea Snook Neo Geek Marko Mihelcic Garrett Dimon Dan Rubin Steve Smith Michael Montgomery Derek Frances erin kris krug Mike Stickel Melissa
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