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watching traffic to climb dramatically
Off to Seattle to visit KCTS9
launched new site tonight, what do you think?
sneak peaking at new KCRW app
at Doof event at Google
Yweeting from new iPhone 2.0 app
coffee with pop on Cortland
@dsearls sympathy for your SFO troubles, for me 2 flights, 2 problems in 2 weeks
boarding at ORD
ITVS to make public broadcasting themed crossword puzzle with Wordplay film rebroadcast, fun
some of my favorite My Source quotes: My Souce for cocktail conversation
at CPB My Source mtng in Chicago
boarding for ORD Chicago, CPB MySource mtngs
1am, in Devo costume, ordering super taco in Mission
got ride to Dulles with Skip Pizzi, facinating chat on whitespace spectrum potential
@twotonshoe, lucky dog, Bella Fleck!
Relevant to Beyond Broadcast panel is Mara liason, NPR reporter says "journalism is craft, not profession"
looking forward to Beyond Broadcast in a.m.
Lots of hoops, but got new red eye flight to Dulles, see you all at ima board mtng and byons bdcast


Jake Shapiro David Brown Todd Mundt Andy Carvin John Proffitt Barack Obama john bracken John Tynan Kevin Dando PBS MediaShift Kristen Taylor Doc Searls Michael Kleeman NPR Politics G Mac Mark Glaser Silvia Lovato Will Fitzpatrick Stephen Hill creativedc Josh Andrews Kristin Calhoun WIREDScience Craig Rosa KCRW/ beemerwreck KQED stacybond bkoon pbsengage beyondbroadcast PublicRadioNews NewsHour Alicia Shepard, NPR PBS Showcase markfuerst