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Raw Video: Iraqi Journalist Throws Shoe at Bush; a fitting gesture.
ALL that Groundswell of swell of somewhat smelly water leaving via the new sump pump I just installed ; ah the joys of home ownership.
Film shoot cancelled = Ice Storm bummer but hey what can one do?,, = OH we need a new sump pump? gee that's just lovely, wet & lovely (yuk).
@space538 Why the Phoenix doesn't link to this great documentary ?? http://www.blackvalleyfilms... Phoenix = Get UR linking on!
@stevegarfield Like most Posts @Daily Kos NOT a source!! leads 1 to buy in part is Fitzgerald referral to expletives verbal diarrea by Blago
@goodwillnne She'll be SO happy you are warm tonight, she's off in dreamland, I'll make sure to show her your reply.
@doublesided Yeah the sleet deposits & ice chuncks some on branches R crunchy underfoot, a full moon glints off moonlit limbs frigid cold.
25 warming shelters open in southern 2mid coast Maine, fire station schools community buildings temps 2 dip below 0, 140±thousnd w/out power...
Just heard on news still over 100 thousand w/out power in Maine, wow this is so much more devastating than we realize,we w/ power restored.
Kiki comes to Keyboard "Let me write daddy." she writes; "Dear Goodwill; I hope you have 'lectricity, please stay warm." love my daughter.
Really Cold here 2nite in Portland, Maine a clear frozen nite setting in, winds coming up trees creaking & crackeling under strain of ice.
Apparently quite a boat load of Portlander are without power tonight 40±thousand H hardest hit 400±thousand w/out power we be lucky .
Been offline since Ice Storm knocked out power @ 3a.m. just got back online still thousands w/out power in NE, Ice wanked up the all plans.
Listening to unes from Friday's guest Dec 12th Marc Douglas Berardo & the amazin YES!
Dep City Engineer 4 Portland, leaves letter about in environmental concerns in plastic bag hung on door, peculiar mode of communication no?
Portland=55degrees lite rain, bizarre, wanted 2 mention 2 Maine pplz great ICE fishing gear @ Mardens EX8 wait4freeze 2 go out on lake! ha.
Good Morning All that snow, close to 2", now gone in Portland, rain's wiping it out we have 1st winter storm warning 4 later in the week.
@Scobleizer Stream is great (looks like being shot in 16:9 & USTREAM.TV is broadcast (window) in 4:3 so the image is stretched vertically
Watching Loic intro LeWeb '08
@grahamenglish in that case you might enjoy this write;


Wayne Sutton Nitin Borwankar arvind s grover john curley Dave Winer Chris Brogan Graham English Chris Wilson Beth Kanter Jim Long Amit superamit Gupta Robert Scoble Michael Lehman sizemore Jeff O'Hara Thomas Hawk Kristopher dj paine hexodus Stephen McCormack Philip Greenwood Stuart Maxwell Jake McKee Loic Le Meur Social Media Club Jeff Keni Pulver Raines Cohen George Howard Steve Garfield hobvias sudoneighm SXSW Pete Gilbert Damiano Vukotic Rob White Sahadeva Hammari Frank Gruber
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