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epic win, episode 2 of BSG's "The face of the Enemy" webisodes series is available on
@jonmasters I watch it solely because of Summer Glau
not exactly sure where TSCC is going with this John Henry storyline
@hoegsberg dude, before I realized you were referring to some food I thought for a minute that I missed out on some Apple product ;-)
awake, got some coffee, probably the coffee is a got thing before I start interacting with the rest of the world
gah, gotta stop napping during the day, insomnia; recreational hacking then
kinda exhausted, heading to bed early
wondering if anyone is working on teaching emacs about the GObject typelib format.. would be neat with rock-solid completion / code assist
up and about
catching up on this weeks episode of The Office and 30 Rock; Michael Scott quote: "An intervention [...] it's a surprise party!"
back home; helped Daniel and Isabel move
time to sleep; gotta get up relatively early; helping some friends move in the morning
for reasons beyond me, I really like writing docs and unit tests
@caillon and sooner or later your mobile internet device will run out of juice and you're going to go crazy and start killing people?
ugh "Sound effects" thread on desktop-devel-list; wish that these people would be busy writing code instead
up and about
sometimes I really appreciate that the OO features I use is from a library (GObject); not ugly language constructs (*cough* c++ *cough)


Bryan Clark Marina Owen Leon Anders Carlsson Brandon Philips Miguel de Icaza Dave Camp kyle mcmartin Stuart Langridge Luis Villa Matthew Allum Neil J Patel Ryan Paul Jeff Waugh Patrick Ohearn Joe Shaw Federico Mena Luke Macken Diego Escalante Glynn Foster Jeremy Katz Eugene Scott James Remnant Stormy sramkrishna Ray Strode clee popey Christopher Blizzard Cecily Au Hallski Nat Friedman jrb Christian Kellner