Dennis Howlett’s Favorites

Hugh MacLeod
gapingvoid @1938media Forty five minutes in Paris was enough to make me thank God Almighty for being a Texan.
Ross Hill
rosshill RT @dacort: @rosshill This isn't new, been going on for well over a month now. :-(
Cliff Gerrish
cgerrish The Mexican coca-cola's are outstanding.
Steve Gillmor
stevegillmor dawholett doesn't matter whether it's Google or MS or OSS, it's for sure already happenning
Dennis Howlett
dahowlett @stevegillmor: Google>Oracle>Apple>Twitter: GOAT. There's one to ponder.
Dennis Howlett
dahowlett @stevegillmor: yep - that makes sense if you reckon the GCloud is tmrw's process highway. Possible but not done deal IMO.
steve clayton
stevecla MobileMe shows more cloud issues:
Jeff Nolan
jeffnolan @ross apparently my political commentary has blossomed into a grassroots campaign.
dan farber
alianzo Un día de intenso calor, que mañana siga así para disfrutar de la playita
Dennis Howlett
dahowlett Retweet from @grumpy_old_man: Twhirl has problems with their auto-throtteling API << I think Eddie just answered my last Tweet
Mr Anderson
kevglobal PR conference drinking game. Every time someone mentions 'brand' you take a shot. Sober to drunken fool in seconds.
John Gruber
gruber My apologies to everyone who's ever written a tweet that was funny enough to favorite but which I didn't because I read it on
Rick Mahn
rickmahn Out for late lunch for Mother's Day.
Jake Kuramoto
jkuramot nice one, it's been far too long since i watched episode v
Andrew Badera
andrewbadera really needs to sharpen his knives. actually, he really needs a new block.
BBC News
bbcnews South Africa's Trevor Immelman leads Brandt Snedeker by one shot after day two of the Masters.
swardley Seems everyone is talking about either innovation or commoditisation
Ewan Spence
ewanspence @ThomAllen Oh I think Orange UK is worse... :-)


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