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shout out to @ladyglock one of my personal best friends and newest follower...
@gruven_reuven taping friday at noon, airing on shabbos :( youtube after havdalah :D
whoa. rarely do you see people begin CHAT conversations with "bs"d"
RT @weirdnews: Man kills roommate druing argument over cigarettes
i think yeshiva should offer accreditation in "advanced guilt studies" and "guilt mgmt". THINK of the $ potential.
the word "nu" rly needs to be worked into the English language more and understood by more ppl (same with "takeh" and "davka")
I'm sorry - could you google this for me? hilarous :)
FYI, arrays do not make you more fun at parties. i'm pushing more keys and values than a used piano dealer
why i just tweeted that i dont know. i have mad muslim friends lol for some reason asking qs is so easy on twitter tho
anyone know of any muslim tweeters who one can ask questions about islamic law to? have a new track and not doing something non-halal AGAIN
@hpbatman7 good question. i'll go ask the falling grape lady why her video has millions of views and mine has <100K :D
@supergreek you said you really (x5) wanted to sleep in. just wanted to make 100% sure :)
am yiddish freestyle flows on avenue J can cause anxiety. whoa.
check the salvation!
@bfred was he hasidic? there's mad hasidic and Orthodox Jewish MCs in New York... like Y-Love ( ) :D


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