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Going to run two tutorial sessions at QCon next year on Advanced Ruby and Aesthetic Programming. Seriously looking forward to it :-)
@olabini fixed here, although it's crap that you can't use the lambda symbol!
@mdemare great - I'm going through it right now :-)
@olabini here's a gist of the error I'm seeing:
@olabini ISpec looks really nice, and it's great that you've fully converted over from RSpec. However the standard ant task seems broken now
our client was so happy with the website we built they sent us a cake!
@mdemare great! Any chance you could post the code?
@sjwoodman it's a board of two halves separated by a wall with a gap, discs, elastic bands and is a bit like the inverse of hungry hippos
Playing Passe-Trappe and drinking lovely red wine with Susanna :-)
Really appreciating the clarity of ispec over RSpec
This is another nice resource for getting your head around Y Combinators
@olabini the cell stackTraceAsText doesn't appear to exist for Base (iik> a = Set mimic. a cells(true))
@olabini clearly I have no idea what I'm doing, but Ground = = method(). .. = method() is another recursive iik hand grenade.
@olabini congratulations! Your productivity on Ioke has been truly breathtaking. I'm very much looking forward to reading the version 0 docs
@olabini it also appears as if the character ' sucks all of Java's available heap memory like a punctuational black hole: ioke -e "'"
@olabini typing Ground in iik pulls the pin on a recursive hand grenade
@olabini I noticed, but didn't want to bug you with more bug issues for something very much in development :-)
@olabini is there an obvious reason (that I'm failing to grasp) why [1,2,3] inject(+) doesn't work in iik?
off to the Stubnitz to see die Schrauber (live sound processing, circuit bending and glitch sampling)


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