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is going turd sleep for teh nigk soon since her flu is acting a fools. messaids
@jaimeshade blame jesus honaye. it be all his fault.
@justinfeed me tew. i so bizy. laying here feeling like complete shit from teh flu. A+++ :(
@MikeyPod u know what mary? Bone CHAR=A+++ good times and tasti treats. kthnx :)
@diamondmanaphy i done more than two shows this yr honaye, glad ur excited
@chitorero lol i love cheetazh woman and yes i think she lve in madges bldg
@MikeyPod what in god's nayme would they be add to SUGAR that would make it nonvegan? That be crzy naids
POSTED HER PROGRUM! WH75: Party Planning & Sniffin Panty (
Exporting GRUM! YAYAYA
editing grum again
@andymelton What a mess! STOP EATING! oh noe
@patireland makes me want 2 die. I h8 teh christ-mas. Bah-Jew-bug. :)
@Kenngo u are welcome to come to my playce anytime honaye. lulz
@gooster sorry bout that. I meant to send u naked pic with me fully lapsed.Guess I sent that 1 instead. Try this:
@bloatedlesbian-I hate getting UR spam mail honaye. I posted it on your blog for jew. ktnx.
thinks that if U got alcohol bloat face u shouldn't have FB status of "is in Seattle hungover from 15 vodka crans on the plane!" Messy
@wh175 that is scary honaye.


Kevin Costelloe Tom Schlomo Rabinowitz danielphillip Jeffrey Taylor Bill Streeter Taber Andrew Rob Steve Harris Adam Baker chris200 Bro.Kenn sean 808080 Bicyclemark Gregory Giordano doug209 Eiain Lennon Madge Weinstein John R. Carman mandy melson Spazmoz Horrifying Drunk Andy Wibbels sharon linne faulk Laura Ross pall banks Michael Ian Deline Kiko Lombardi Daniel Mark Bradley Traynor UJ Wanda Wisdom Matt Blender Steven
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