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cupcakecamp... Mmm
Wow, another summer day in SF... In the winter. Recovering at Soleil from the epic GetSatisfaction party last night with caffeine and code
More LBP! This time with @neb and @todbot
Burrito in one hand, Guinness in the other, Jane's Addiction on the jukebox, @joshuakauffman in-bound at the Valley Tavern. It's a fine time
Cafe's and brunch with @neb and @todbot, now Coffee Bar bound
Just ran into the guys. Good folks. Recently ex Frog Design. Word is Frog New York is still sweet
@neb arrives, another round of Front Porch emerges where random encounters with Jee and her fiancée happen. Soon kicks with Kenji
Café du jour? C'est Café Du Soleil. (Said with an accent, for @nick's sake)
Gorgeous day in SF. Off to Reverie to code craft in the sun.
Today was a successful code flurry. Now off to meet a convergence of college buddies.
@seldo I too hit coding demon status at 3am sometimes, apparently.
Family. Skating. Learning cloud and terrain generation. Rick-rolled. Whew. What a day!
Soloing a very spicy Indian dish and thinking of all the places I probably should be flying right now: Aspen, Memphis, Tulsa, Cincinnati
Super fantastic crew at George's. Many of which are now at casa bean-bag for some late night LBP projection.
Somehow chillin' at Soleil turns into an impromptu reunion with Shannon, @RandomEtc, @neb, and follow-on adventures in BBQ at George Oates'
Beers at the Valley Tavern with @joshuakauffman
Off to Tom Cardon's for some chillaxin
Continued LBP crafting with @neb and @joshuakauffman
@jonathangrubb Oh nice! Ping me, I'd love to talk about it. TV is one of those things which may still exist in the new economy :)