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Just pounded a pint of goldfish. Lucky 13 is so right
if twitted was a girl I'd Amurrrrrrrica fuck yeah!!!'v
Amber in the Castro. This place is cheell.
I enjoy the supp with the kuche.
Open Stack is pizzaaacked.
Flying back to North Carolina on Monday, can't wait to see home. Queue James Taylor - Carolina In My Mind.
Fuddruckers was so right. Soooo right.
Bee Gees + Friday + intarnets = awesome.
As @dburka says, god's in the details. Right now: finding and polishing god.
I bet heavy whipping cream turns into some pretty heavily whipped cream.
DAS ROIGHT. I am uber-l33t at nerf warfare.
Soulja Boy is reforming :
Yesssssss, Goldfish in the office. It's like crack, really.
Whoa, never seen someone get a ticket on MUNI before.
Snooze is not equal to turn off, iphone.
Need hash browns ASAP. Soooo crucial.
Any attractive women want to make creme brûlée with Danny tonoight?


Aubrey Sabala Thor Muller Robert S Andersen Tantek Çelik Heilemann Zach Klein John Gruber Jen Khoi Vinh Erik Kastner Andrew Mager Daniel Burka Brad Fitzpatrick Kevin Rose Leah Culver Trammell micah AJ Vaynerchuk Andrei Zmievski Jordan Alperin Steve Williams Dwayne Anderson Cabel M. Sasser Chris Watkins Kelly Sutton Jay Adelson Erica Ogg Joe Stump Robert Michael Malone Gary Vaynerchuk Matt Van Horn Hammer Ian Eure Foamee daisy
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