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"The Wrestler" mini-review: Fantastic performances and a story that will wear you out and haunt you. Interesting camera work too. 8.5/10
LOL - Amazon recommends welding goggles when you pre-order the Dr. Horrible DVD. Muah hahaha!
I love coming home to a pristine house. <3 my housekeepers.
Just had some dinner plans fall through. Anyone want to watch "The Wrestler" with me tonight?
Yeesh, I'm an LA digital media whore. I was in VIC, LawNMoweR, Digital Roundtable, KGB, PGA NMC and METal.
Starting to get media anxiety. More media than Ihave time to consume.
@greenlagirl I'm going to the DFR event tomorrow. Would like to chat with you - I dig your blog.
Time Warner treats the internet like a lozenge, because they suck at it so much.
@dannysullivan I feel your pain and share the amazement that no one has reported on the outage.
Registering to attend the Digital Family Reunion tomorrow. Anyone else going? http://www.digitalfamilyreu...
@cutealag Yeah - we'll see if you end up getting this one. ;-)
@cutealag Seeing as its for you, that's a good sign.
@pud Hey, that's great! Congratulations!
I just received a Christmas gift for a friend that is so cool I'm tempted to keep it for myself. It is that rad.
Screener du jour: "The Wrestler". Looking forward to this one. Mickey Rourke is inspired casting.
Work. Workie workworkwork. -
This weekend, I will dress a tree with old sound cards and usb cables, listen to streaming holiday radio, while watching an HD roaring fire.
Dear software developers, when you make accounting apps, include print templates for standard check formats. Thank you.


Biz Stone Evan Williams Philip Kaplan Xeni Jardin om Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Justine Zadi Diaz Colin Devroe Bre Pettis Robert Scoble Major Nelson (Larry) Kent Twitterrific Kevin Rose Steve Bostedor Chris Pirillo Annie Tsai Cali Lewis Michela Ledwidge Barack Obama Danny Sullivan Siel Sloane Berrent Doug Fitzsimmons Adam Curry Kelly Sutton Jake Marsh Stephanie Agresta Snoop Dogg Leo Laporte David Spark violet blue ®