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is watching the sun set, and not watching this comuter no mo'
Has anyone seen any (online) multi-player climate _scenario_ tools - or games? Especially with regional focus? SF Bay Area wants one.
At Miami airport headed home. Tweet overload stops now, my poor overtweeted friends. ;-)
Mickle: Mashups: Somebody is already interpreting your data, eg #sbi08
Ryan Mickle, & The most popular sites on the web, after search, are collaborative #sbi08
@dcarli Crises already here. Competition & prizes are intrinsic. Those who still need incentives to get it will be left in the dust. #sbi08
Beth Keck, Wal-Mart: 12 supply chain partnerships, Sustainability 360, Personal Sustainability Plans scorecards, etc. Big bold goals. #sbi08
@dcarli: "Radical change will probably require more than a financial crisis." Maybe. Or maybe just imagination and courage. #sbi08
Yolles donating 10% of sales + 30% discount til Monday with promo code "give" at #sbi08
Yolles doesn't like the S word - "We need radical, transformative change" - but does like the other S word: storytelling. #sbi08
Yolles: webfront approach > dematerialize retail space (40% smaller) with resulting energy/resource savings. #sbi
Yolles is yet another vote (many at #sbi08) against old dichotomy (which I try to demolish at every opportunity) of "environment vs economy"
Ian Yolles, Nau: When you operate with sustainability at the center, the questions you ask change, what you do changes. #sbi08
Thomas: "China econ stimulus includes $150b to 'tackle environmental problems'." Mr. Obama, are you listening? #sbi08
Thomas: 3 trends-emerging market growth, consumer preference, govt action-put India/China/Brazil @ center of sustainability market #sbi08
Bruce Thomas, MeadWestvaco "Sustainability is commercial strategy & profit center worldwide, not just in Calif." As we've been saying #sbi08
Vitters @ Coke: 5yrs building data mgmnt systems to know what's so. Surprised how few companies do. Me too; that's why a focus for us #sbi08
Vitters @ Coke: ONE packaging strategy, not environmental packaging strategy. #sbi08
Vitters @ Coke: "Return water we use; Grow the business, not the carbon; Zero Waste" Nice. #sbi08
Scott Vitters, CocaCola: sustainable packaging: Out of the box? Let's get back in box, why is there box, what happens to the box? #sbi08


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