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@kpfled or slap on a headset and catch up with all those people that you never have time to chat with.
@kpfled are you driving? If not reading, Bubble burst/other games on my iPod Touch - that about covers it ;-)
Just found a bottle of Champagne in the freezer - it didn't burst, but damn what a waste!
Looking for new christmas cookie recipes - found these Vanilla Half Moons - def sound yummy
Holiday cards and picture printing galore. At least Champagne is flowing. - our boy chilling out waiting for Santa - our girl in the long santa line
An hour and 5 in the Santa line. kids still being great but growing so weary
30 minutes into the Santa line. easily another 30 to go. Kids are being great tho
I keep comparing & finding toys at Wal-mart are $10-$20 less than the price on Amazon, sigh. Really don't want to go there & deal w/ frenzy
Christmas shopping for the kids on amazon standing in the kitchen using the iPhone app - the app is nicely done!
@cgasparro Many TsingTao's my friend. Join in.
Found some artichokes and chickpeas - going to work on some Mediterranean magic.
I am ready to cook - but not much in the house - going to see what I can make from scraps in the house - 1 rib-eye is all the meat I've got
@cgasparro I just called you my kindred spirit - clearly I started early today.
@smheadhunter I got it. Didn't mind tho - I know you.
Done. Everything just need to wait! What a year. So much new to come, but for now - a little break.


Biz Stone Evan Williams Buzz Andersen danah boyd Mary Hodder Ross om Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Jeff Bonforte Scott Beale BJ Cook Dave Morin Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Christine Herron Glenda Daniel Johnson, Jr. Michael Sippey Susan Scrupski mdy David Parmet Justine Minger Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan julien Steve Woolf Doug Haslam Jim Long Zadi Diaz Philip Campbell Alex de Carvalho Brian Solis
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