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go win a nice bottle of cologne for yourself or the man in your life:
sometimes, ramen noodles just hits the spot.
its so snowy in the western burbs of chicago
@laurathemum ick! no way, it's probably at really big venue right? - For all the non-believers out there
@poopsywoo i still think you should move back over by me in the western burbs. is that what all of the commotion was? obviously.
how is one to continue through the day like normal when one has a certain celebrity on ones mind?
coming down from my dempsey high. it's a long way down, ladies. loooong way down.
@MissLiz27 i'm still mcdreaming. but seriously, he's super nice and he really is passionate about this product. it was nice to hear!
and now i have to go back to work. how exactly am i supposed to concentrate when i'm mcdreaming???
@KatjaPresnal i'm on it. amy_mueller
i feel so alone - can we all call each other now or something???
damn, missed the end of the call!
so very bummed. : ( lost my call or something. trying to call back in.
oh my gosh, my call is anyone elses call gone?
that was one of mine!!! he he!
@foldinglaundry i am still cracking up. he totally turned it around and interviewed YOU!
@5minutesformom gah! i got your tweet name wrong. lame! loved your question though!
@ToThink i was worried about that happening.


Maggie Mason Glennia Doug Haslam Starbucks Coffee Jason Herald taracopasetic the Domestic Diva Erika Jurney Mary Wallace Greg Hollingsworth David Binkowski Manatee Sheena Jamie Campbell lynette {radio} Amy Coletta Candice Payne Jen Lemen Connie Crosby C.K. Sample III Barack Obama JesTu Liza Sabater Leah Jones Susan Getgood Bloggers Blog Rafiq Phillips Danny Evans Wendy Piersall kristy Sickr Juna Duncan Danielle Wiley Andrew Baron Rocketboom imelda bettinger
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