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@geoffcox #drupal can suck it. Have never worked with a worse web product, which means I'd take #sharepoint any day.
Contemplating vowels. IE v s. Y in particular.
Wings on bottom.
Hurting & getting my HUSTLE on! (I hope you guys are having a great Monday)
@alexandergordon I'm still debating tonight, preparing to re-launch 8 @plumtv sites & a project with @chrispalle. It's been 2 long!
Totally embarassed that I am trying to figure out if people fly to Nantucket with planes - wings on top or bottom. I'm so off brand.
There's a lot to learn from Ira Glass on how long it takes to get it right:
@kennbell No objections - as long as there are lots of marshmallows.
Moving into a new CMS - so excited (little overwhelmed)
5AM woke up to one of the pugs throwing up on me, here's hoping the day gets better.
Dear Heart, for a couple of weeks let's have you be co-pilot to Gut. 32 years you've headlined - it's a well deserved break. -me
Warm pugs, warm blankets, warm milk (w/ vanilla @pickleshy), and Christmas jazz. Sleep? Yes, let's get that going.
Pug cuddle puddle assembled. Time to call it a night and an end to the weekend.
@devinTrix ROFL!!! But, the internet has a long long memory (worse than any girlfriend you've had and/or will have - promise!)
@alexandergordon I believe you to be incredibly fun & interesting:) But, it's been to long since I've seen you off Twitter. Let's fix that!
@sarahnovotny Professionally, I do great work. Personally, I'm a proverbial work-in-progress. Good days, bad ones too. Fighting & loving.
@sarahnovotny I so appreciate that sentiment. I've been criticized for not being on "personal brand" enough. I just don't think that way.
@dlifson LOVE it! I hate "personal brand" - I just like real you, online and offline, the good, bad, and awkward. Personal brand can suckit.
I know that Twitter is supposed to be lots of "happy" stuff, but occasionally I'm just not there, which I guess is my strange brand anyway.


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