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@meekthegeek Ouch! A "You are doing it wrong" from Seana! ;)
@gubatron All ints are longs in PHP. longval() would be redundant and might make people think there is a difference.
@premshree So how do we reach you? I have some companies that might want to talk to you.
Thanks for the concern though :)
To all the people asking me privately if I got cut. That would have been interesting, but no, I still have a job and I am on a green card.
@skoop An L-1 is a company transfer visa tied to the company. If you lose your job you need to leave the country.
@phpfunk Sometimes it is necessary and the competent folks tend to always land on their feet anyway. The stress on L-1 people is much higher
Laying off employees on L-1 visas is rather harsh, especially clueful ones that could be useful elsewhere in the company.
@stubbornella gah! That sucks. Let me know if I can help with some recommendations anywhere, I would be more than happy to.
@meekthegeek You mean a nasty GUI thing? The standard command-line client works perfectly on the Mac. See
Tried to do 2 miles at 6:15/mile pace today. Didn't quite hit that - - much easier to run 10 miles at 7:00
At the big Christmas tree by Fisherman's Wharf. Nice weather in SF today.
@stubbornella Well, I had gone 40 years without making persimmon jam and then suddenly days after turning 40
Turned 40 last weekend. Made persimmon jam this weekend. I guess that is what people do when they get old.
@lenn0x Not really, I've had iPod Nanos since they came out with the Nike+ thing. Any geek gear I can combine with my running, I buy.
Playing with my new iPod Touch - I think my fingers are too fat for this thing.


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