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A new (slightly depressing) blog entry this morning.
@zathman OMG, you're being stalked by MICHAEL JACKSON??!?!?
@richsands I'm very proud of you.
He sees when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake.... stalkerman is coming to town
Wearing a crown of Christmas wrapping paper. I look beautiful.
@timfoster Congratulations!!!! Looking forward now to the naming thread. I vote for Liam.
I feel better about wasting wine in a glass than wasting in it the bottle.
@rgoodwin That is not an explanation
Dear god, what is this frozen, not snow, not hail, not rain, SHIT that is falling from the sky?
Chances are that if are annoyed with someone, they are also annoyed with you.
Not gran!!! Fran.. IPhone spellcheck..
Gran is back on the roof of Fran's! I've missed her.
@vinylart Sounds like Seinfeld - you know, a show about nothing. :)
I've been trying to write a new blog entry for 3 days. Help. What should I write about? I knew this was going to be hard.
20min later, still "waterproofing" -
@stevel Ha. He is so going to get Duct Tape in his Hannukah stocking.
My son is convinced he can waterproof anything with enough tinfoil. This is going to go horribly wrong.
@dveneski Our daughter named the cat Daryl. For years we have been planning to get the other cat Daryl.
Daryl woke up in the middle of the night, walked around yelling for no apparent reason, and woke us all up. Cats are a pain in the ass.


Evan Williams Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Scott Beale Aubrey Sabala Dave Morin Jason Calacanis Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Jason Hoffman Brian Solis Gregarious debs Bre Pettis Greg Stein Ted Leung hober Cody Marx Bailey Scott Kveton Hugh MacLeod Michael Agustin cote Nigel James James Governor    Erica OGrady alexis richardson Jeremiah Silona steve o'grady Dean Cameron Allen             whurley meangrape Brandon Clintus McGintus Dennis Howlett
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