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pathetic efforts like this one from the 'Skins are why I sometimes wish I could stop caring about football
"Slumdog Millionaire" - a bloody brilliant film. Go see it at your earliest possible opportunity - really, just amazing.
Need to tie my shoes twice each time I go out - not cool
Thousands of tiny cuts in my fingers are stinging something fierce from capsaicin. Such are the wages of spicy ginger potato curry
Q of the evening: baby oscelot - - or baby otters - - ?
dinner: Kim Son in Durham - No. 40, bean cake , tofu and wide rice noodle w/ginger sauce, wicked as always
Jon Stewart interviews/eviscerates Huckabee: "Semantics is cold comfort to humanity."
@smalljones hadn't had the challenge-response Qs set but am doing that now; got me out of the house whihc is good I suppose
am I really going to have to fracking go to campus to get my password reset? did not need this, today.
aaannnnnnd... UNC servers decide sometime between yesterday and today that my password is no longer correct - not expired, just incorrect
@tarheelcoxn seconding @champignon's rec of LimeSurvey; also check out Odum's survey software whose name escapes me
Even low-key NPR newsreaders having a tough time restraining astonishment that Blago tried to /sell/ Obama's vacant Senate seat. Oh, Blago!
back from offline; always good to plow through overfull inbox when slightly dazed
@chimprawk 1) broil; 2) flash fry (make sure oil is appopriate temp); qualifier - clearly depends on what is cooking and moisture content
Sandwhich braised goat sammich for lunch - yeah, like that. Then - offline for the next several days.
T'giving leftover Caldo Verde (collard/pork stock; roast taters/onions; white beans)+WSM rustic bread+Founder's Backwoods Bastard Ale=WIN
@ethorson good question, but - you remember "The Net," yes? p'raps we should count our blessings in lack of bloggy movies
AIDS researcher Robert Gallo was on "Talk of the Nation" - man does good work but YEESH what a condescending jerk -


danah boyd Jackson Fox Paul Jones Fred Stutzman Emily Thorson alicetiara bencoffeyclark champignon Tim Cullen John Joseph Bachir Cristóbal Palmer Phillip M Edwards Erin Flood trel erin Jeffrey Pomerantz JanChipchase Jim iteau MarsPhoenix styer kellyink bellsbeer mattyglesias HK Phil James alhammond John Randall THE_REAL_SHAQ