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@jfm I'm using erc+bitlbee to read my xmpp feeds from both. You could also use (twittering|identica)-mode if you like.
@halr9000 I tried, but I don't want my posts duplicated to n services. If it could read my friends' statuses that's another thing.
I find it funny that all the people I tried getting to use twitter are now updating their facebook statuses like crazy.
Let it be known, do not try to run #clojure code with #tomcat 5.5 Go to version 6 and save the headache.
I need to work out something with #mozrepl and #emacs so clicking on a link at home opens a page here at work. Stupid Firewall.
just got my #twitter account forwarding to my #jabber account thanks to I just hate giving out passwords.
Another day, more fighting with #tomcat.
@darianapatrick That's why I always finish up that command with something like: && notify-send "Build Done"
hopefully I'll be able to scrounge through some of the old computer hardware we're looking to get rid of and build myself something.
I am getting so sick of fighting with Tomcat about this issue. My servlet should be loading, but it's not.
ok... looks we *won't* be evicted at this moment. I really need a better job. Anyone hiring in MI?
Should I bother exporting my 3 messages from Pownce, or can I just consider them lost. (all three were essentially tests)
I know it's alphabetical, but why would and English download page have the English release be the 8th one down?
my teacher is trying to correct my code. He's just as stumped as I am.
I totally don't feel like doing my C++ homework, I'm going to just submit it as is and take the lesser grade. I'm getting an A anyway
downloading and installing Visual Studio on Wine because emacs isn't cutting it for this assignment. I feel dirty.
googlefight isn't working properly... How shall I make a smart-ass comment about Huey Lewis now? How? Tell me!
Someone messaged me on my AIM account, when I messaged them back, they had no idea who I was
I still can't figure out why Tomcat refuses to run my servlet. This is getting annoying.
some days I go through the coffee too fast. I can't believe this is my last cup.


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