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@Orli mine too. some weird fault.
@stephenfry No! More drunken posting!
A list of things which are everywhere. http://www.marketingbabylon...
Michael Frayn discusses two types of longing. Missing things that are here / Missing things that are not here. (Limbo time)
Talking about marketing in Tel Aviv next week. http://www.marketingbabylon...
Finished A Mathematician's Apology/ G. H. Hardy. Highly recommended even for those who fear numbers.
@ilanatam תגובה מיידית בבלוג המערכת. הפתרון היחיד לסיטואציות כאלה.
@galm מה מבחינתך התוספות החיוניות? מעבר לקוסמטיקה?
@yanivg got to have the geotag wifi sd card. drool.
Halfway there, unfortunately the second half is longer.
Hold on tight, people.
Oh dear. Oh bother. Merde Galore. Details to come.
My holiday is so close I could practically taste it. One week to go.
@hananc I think you should just have fun. Don't expect too many people who don't already know you to read it. Just be yourself.
@ira_a I'll drink to that!
Semantic field, cultural field, professional field... Bah! Maybe soup - but not a field.


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