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@MatterYoga everyone on the internet, that's who!
on my way to see late showing of 'milk.' yay!
@BartyCast - yeah, i've lived in northern az & ma before so i know it gets much colder, but once you've been here awhile you get spoiled
brr... i'm wearing a thermal shirt AND a sweater indoors but i'm still shivering with cold. seems so cal will actually dip below 50 tonight.
@RobertFischer - thnx for the nomination! i hadn't heard of the @shortyawards before.
@cyberpr - glad to know you dug the latest chillcast, ariel! thanks for the tweet.
@fidlr butchart gardens looks amazing. what the heck were you doing there, job-wise?
haven't been to zephyr in forever. heading there now, hopefully to scarf out.
searching for my inner clare torry for some backing vox on a new lovespirals song.
@CocteauBoy you can update your FB status with your tweets, tho i've noticed not every tweet makes it to FB. ask @ryanlum which plugin works
@krisrjoy oh yes! i forgot that you've always known how naughty i secretly am
@fidlr - yeah, def prefer this butt over the velvet tracksuit butt! :)
@fidlr - what, no fireworks or parade action???
mmm this tempranillo is going straight to my head. but its so darned quaffable. heh!
@CocteauBoy HA! hey, i'm always on my best behavior online. i think only @joeygrana knows what i'm really like when i get fiesty & fired up.
@fidlr well you ARE one of the most tweeted people, after all. you can afford to be choosy. ;)
@azitasheridan then my work is done here.
I got my screw on and all is well.


Al Chang julien  C.C. Chapman roycifer Todd "Big La" Kelley Holger Eilhard Kevin Rose Wiley Wiggins Tim Connor Drew Domkus Eric Rice MarkYoshimotoNemcoff Karen Cardoza P.D. Love Paul the music lover Jason Jarrett jeffhinz Barack Obama Baratunde Thurston Nick Dynice John Furrier Justin Simonsen Julie Platt chelpixie Zack Daggy (Mothman) Adam Curry Brian Noe Timothy J. Finucane DarrenKeith Wyatt Cybster DJ solipsistic NATION Franklin McMahon Karla Gilbert