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The Age of Grainy Web Videos Has Come to an End: YouTube Turns on HD
@LeftTheBox good point about privacy -but sharing on FileRide isn't much different from sharing on other networks -you choose what you share
finally getting around to add all my new twitter followers from the last two or three weeks - thanks for following everybody!
@Fricka and my guess is that Vimeo is exactly why they are finally doing this (even if only on a small scale for now)
@Fricka not quite clear what YouTube is doing there - my feeling is that they are testing the waters. Would be great if this became standard
HD YouTube videos look stunning:
@jabancroft and the people who think games are a waste of times are often the ones who sit in front of their TVs all day...
@khodabakchian ah - was thinking plugins :) good idea - I will post those over on my personal blog. Will let you know when it's up.
@khodabakchian delicious, cooliris, feedly, LaterLoop, and BetterGReader
today I wrote my 300th post for ReadWriteWeb... but who's counting?
Mozilla has now served over 1 billion addons - here are some of our favorites (and of our readers) at RWW:
EtherPad: Dead Simple Real Time Collaboration - ReadWriteWeb
imapc: Home: Gallery
$99 Zunes... so crazy, it might just work. I have seen quite a few positive reviews of the 3.0 software and it's a capable music player...
@ZeeDotMe I'm checking iTunes for updates - all day it has been teasing me with updates for other apps
getting ready to head out for dinner with friends on the East Side - still hoping the Google voice app will be released in the next five min
waiting for the google mobile app - only found a video of it so far:
L. Ron Hubbard Pulp Fiction channel coming to YouTube | Webware - CNET


Biz Stone Evan Williams Xeni Jardin Mack D. Male Nick Douglas Dobromir Hadzhiev Tim Kersey Scott Beale Luciano E. Guerche Manuel Viloria Josh Bancroft Erik Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Jacob Elliott Ng Chris Brogan Rob Cottingham Veronica Belmont Jim Long Brett B William Tildesley  Chris Heuer Robert Scoble Marc Orchant Andy Baio photomatt Teresa Valdez Klein Alex Payne Schlomo Rabinowitz Sam Sethi John Gruber Scott Kveton Jeff O'Hara Nick Starr Hugh MacLeod
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