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"X-Men Origins: Wolverine" Trailer!
[Video] "Iraqi journalist throws shoes at Bush"
Yes, it's 9 o'clock. Yes, I'm still at the office.
Meet Sgt. Lincoln Osiris, the lead farmer! (language warning)
@codepo8 #WCAG2 got such a bad rap from Joe Clark that it ranks just above the bubonic plague in my head. Dunno if I want to bother with it.
Yargh!!! SWFObject 1.5 not working in Chrome! Can I throttle someone now please? Or maybe break something?
Seems SWFObject 2 writes an object tag in FF3 which FF3 doesn't seem to like. 1.5 works just fine with the embed tag. 1.5 FTW!
*grumble* why doesn't swfobject work properly in FF3 when it works fine in Chrome!?
Huzzah!!! Gmail finally gets tasks!!!
Dear #Apple, when your #iTunes music store times out or takes forever to load you lose sales, namely to me. KTHXBAI.
"Unreal Who" is still one of the best mixes of two of my favourite universes, Doctor Who and the Demo Scene:
You never forget your first Doctor, the indomitable Tom Baker at his best!
*groan* doing copy/commit operations with massive amounts of data... taking forever.
All I can say is, BRILLIANT!!! (A video for Doctor Who fans the world over,)
@benoitpiette I just finished all 161 panels (in 3 days), I need more!!! Looks like the next Doctor Who episode is on the 12th. Can't wait!!
w00t! wifi at the bus stop!
*groan* monday already?
@benoitpiette I'm devouring that comic! Great stuff!!!
OK, ummm, The Doctor just died and is regenerating and ... TO BE CONTINUED!? Garrrrgh!!!!


om Paul Terry Walhus Jason Calacanis Alan Bradburne Lisa McMillan Molly E. Holzschlag Dimitri Glazkov l.m. orchard Chris Brogan Mike Rundle Tantek Çelik Erik Derek Featherstone Steve Marshall luxuryluke Snook Jeff Smith David Martin Nate Koechley Michael Montgomery Robert Scoble Christian Heilmann Nate Klaiber Patrick Matthew Oliphant Simon Douglas Chris J. Davis Faruk Ates Natalie Aral vrogy CenterNetworks Nathan Smith Ng Wai Mun Chris Tingom
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