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@jrodgers maybe UW should work on recruiting the students' parents to take courses part-time to add to the helicopter experience.
hydration level doesn't bode well for singing this evening.
canadian bureaucrats: "it makes me so angry that they're so nice so that i don't feel right getting angry at them."
Results 1 - 10 of about 148,000 for playboy mexico virgin mary.
watching my battery life to see where the MBP suddenly dies. new battery has been requested.
well sung music takes up a lot more of my attention than mediocre performance, however popular the latter may be
The receipt says I paid $3.99 for BUTT.POPING, no taxes.
slept most of the morning. starting my second cup of tea.
not sure if it's just another cold day in the office or i'm somewhat ill. amuses me, largely due to quoting Ted Geisel in a Buddhist context.
delayed getting into work by snow ... teach me to stay in a nice warm bed when i should be out shoveling
tomorrow: five meetings. in theory i should be ready for the last one before the first one starts.
"The Hay Point system frees the Human Resources department from having to make an intelligent judgement as to the value of the employee."
/me has good friends.
wind was fierce this morning. this may change tentative plans to check out the christkindl markt at city hall.
valhalla brass were very worthwhile, and the seven year old cellist stared at the conductor and his music in an odd way.
pawn shop visit: sweet action.
did not make a bologna sandwich for Dog the cat this morning. didn't think i had yesterday, but was mistaken.


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