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@brlittle You might like this post I did recently on the true nature of various communication types:
@hdmoore RE: Nerdocore, do you have ytcracker's NES album?
Sadly (or happily) I'm discovering Bad Religion for the first time. Loving Atheist Peace right now.
What percentage of Twitter is micro-blogging vs. group chat? Or are these labels too inflexible for Twitter and other similar services?
@hdmoore Unfortunately, I am perilously close to being one myself. But I have the perspective to call bullshit when I see it. No religion.
It seems to me like Apple not going to MacWorld is like Microsoft not going to a TechNet event. A bunch of third-party vendors and no host?
@davewiner So the image is Obama reaching across to the part of the country didn't accept him, to an "open-minded" person on the other side.
@davewiner My understanding is that Warren is one of the more moderate and accepting voices among his type of crowd.
[Blog Article] Using Git to Manage Your Website (vastly improved) |
RT @aneel --> IBM servers at reduced prices - check out @ibmClearance
@mckeay He was complimenting you. Read fail.
New/Old Blog Post: Information Security: The End of the Wild West |
@jack_daniel ...and recession-causing as well
Wow, lost like 15 followers overnight. Guess they didn't like my chupacabra humor. *shrugs*
Ok, enough for me. Sinus steroids be damned...I have to sleep
Considering renaming my blog, "Flight of the Chupacabra".
@kenotic He posted a link earlier to the HP box on Amazon for like $350.
It's all fun and games until a chupacabra gets involved.
@jeremiahg I browse with netcat and vim like RMS, so I'm safe.
Any thoughts on Paisley GRC? Doing a full-day workshop on it today.


Dave Winer Robert Scoble Chris Pirillo Todd Ditchendorf taylor banks Rob Fuller MichaelSantarcangelo Barack Obama Martin McKeay Aneel L Ken Swain thomas wolfe Alex Hutton Kaliya/IdentityWoman Christofer Hoff Leo Laporte Richard MacManus SANS ISC Jack Daniel Guy Kawasaki dakami jlgaddis rmogull Bill Pennington hashtags Lessig Jason Ormes David Amrit Williams GNUCITIZEN rybolov RSA Blog MeetUp 2009 pauldotcom Kevin Riggins Robby Colvin Security Twits