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@ChangeEvnglst Hello, Sid! Very glad to see you on Twitter!
@RobertCollins Did you receive my email yesterday? I'm not going to be able to attend #SMB11 today. Alas! I hope to be invited to #SM12.
@eggdawg Hello, Mark!
@bloodandmilk Sometimes inductive learning is best. :-) We'll see.
@bloodandmilk Great question! I don't really know the answer, so I joined the nptech Twitter group to find out.
I just joined the nptech Twitter Group and you can too.
@writingroads Indeed, #SMB11 is full, but @RobertCollins very graciously put me on the waiting list.
@pearlbear Have a great day in Boston! I'll catch you next time you're in town. *hugs*
@RobertCollins I think that the 1000+ members of the "Mission-Based Massachusetts" group would have been interested in #SMB11 too.
@RobertCollins I gotta tell you that my feelings are hurt, that I didn't hear about this event earlier.
@RobertCollins So can I attend the Social Media breakfast, or are you booked to capacity?
@writingroads Wow, the Social Media for Social Change event looks great! I'll spread the word! http://www.smb11.eventbrite...
Oh, no the puppy cam just went off line! I guess that another puppy is being handed off in an emotional parting
@calweb Belated thanks for your kind words!
@writingroads I grovel in my ignorance. :-) What is SMB11?
@SuzInDC I think the next pup is about to leave the nest.
The Jewish-American tradition for Christmas tends to be going to the movies, eating Chinese food, and complaining about Xmas ads and carols.
Thinking about volunteering on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, so that actual Christians can get time off with their families.
The remaining pups are huddled together. *sob*
The Shiba Inu puppies are leaving for their new homes, one by one. *sob*


danah boyd Mary Hodder Mr Messina Kurt WDavidStephenson Ted Ernst Jason Calacanis Brian Del Vecchio Steven Clift Sooz Brian Russell Ruby Sinreich Corey Pudhorodsky Aldon Hynes Dean Landsman Edward Vielmetti nicco mele Chris Brogan Rob Cottingham Beth Kanter Pam Ashlund Doug Haslam Jim Long Paul Hyland heather gardner-madr Alex de Carvalho Karen O'Brien  C.C. Chapman Howard Greenstein Ian Wilker gillo Grégoire Japiot frank Nancy White Kevin Gamble Marnie Webb
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