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wearing a shirt today that i purchased in spring 1997, at age 16 at aeropostale.
up in arms about the proposed soda tax.
bf is scanning sparkles in a man in a bathing suit provincetown tshirt that got mixed in with my laundry. i swear he is not gay.
@neversent what agent could pass on a book that was a combo of warriors and twilight? NONE.
@neversent time to write a new novel, this time about vampire time-traveling cats.
Just got my third rejection on my novel. "Too quiet." "Not high-concept enough."
I wonder if people in adjoining offices can hear me slurp my soda through the straw. Not stopping regardless.
some people mean well and yet still make my life miserable.
but what I hate most is when people who I know make more than $100k complain about how publishing doesn't pay well.
making more than $100k, even. not me, but my chosen vocation is not a life sentence to poverty.
it really annoys me when people act like no one in publishing makes more than $50k. people are blind to the fact that there are plenty
i wish eating dinner with my bf and eating before 9 pm were not always mutually exclusive. bf had bad day so he wins tonight.
@mileskahn if @hodgman gives you a copy of twilight, you should give it to me.
@RonHogan Darin Strauss is, in addition to being a good writer, the best writing teacher I ever had. That article made me sad.
today i am paying for the fact that i ate mexican food for both lunch and dinner yesterday. (there were extenuating circumstances! i swear!)
as usual, the only gifts i am buying this year are secret santa gifts.
just had a good work-related chat.
@nicebird what i want to know is, how close do you have to be to the target area to feel effects? are you ok ten blocks away? twenty? five?
is it wrong to hope that some people you work with actually do get laid off? some people truly are just a waste of space (and money!)
going to the guggenheim


Sharon David Gutowski Sarah Weinman Lux Alptraum Johanna mihow Eoin Purcell NYTimes: Books nora Dooce Torrie LM harperteen marthaburzynski 20x200 Saul Hansell Austin Kleon felicia sullivan J. Michael Ward NY Review of Books raspberrytea moderncat Ally Marie Lisa Bliss Chin HarperCollinsCa gazz Colleen Lindsay clarkityclark scottgold PenguinBooks Lara Murphy Ryan Chapman hodgman Amber stephauteri Trelvix Husseinowitz Bookgirl