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Off to my volunteer shift at SCRAP. Later tweeps!
@lelonopo @jasongallic Aren't they terrifying? I mean, some of those images GENUINELY terrify me. I will be haunted.
These pictures on Stephen Baldwin's website are going to give me nightmares.
@jasongallic Steven Baldwin is a great big ball of nutty.
@missburrows I think the only thing I have in my list so far is my camera. It's on my get-around-to-it list.
@jasongallic I'm sure Sir Baldwin is a wonderful, intelligent man. That doesn't mean I can't poke a little fun at him... or his brothers.
@Lelonopo Baldwin has terrible seekrits. I must know the answers. I s33k the power!
@xenijardin That's true. I know more about filling the internet with garbage than Alec Baldwin or Jamie Lee Curtis combined.
Just looked at Alec Baldwin's website. It's pretty awful. ALEC BALDWIN!
@xenijardin I had no idea Alec Baldwin and Jamie Lee Curtis were bloggers. ALEC BALDWIN?
@joeyyax Get yonked up on eggnog and do some table dancing in your underwear. That should liven the party up a little.
@missburrows Never. My iPhone stays naked. None of that plastic sleeve or case crap for me. THIS IS LOVE.
@missburrows In a sense, you are kind of tying it up when you charge it. And then you can load things on it. oh yeah!
@xenijardin Are you suggesting that I make my time?
@missburrows I'm gonna go tie my I phone to the bed and see if it does anything for me.
@mrxinu Yes. There's a person who knows what they want. Bless his or her little heart.
@missburrows Oh. Nm. At first I thought they wanted bdsm porn about cell phones, but now I see they were excluding "phone". :P


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