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@KirstenNet : I talk a big game, but I don't think I've ever kicked anything in my life (that wasn't meant to be kicked -- like a ball)
Hit the 3,000 follower milestone today. Woo hoo! LIVE: Talking about the awesome music video about inbound marketing that launched this week. LIVE: Don't forget that TiVo has also been experimenting with a "Thumbs Up" when an ad is shown to see more info about prdct. LIVE: "Tradeshows are probably not a good idea in a recession. Not flexible. Search advertising is still surging." : "Study of 1,700 students on Facebook -- smile in your online photo and you get more connections" : Talking about corporate blogs -- "84% of corporate blogs and only 1 in 6 people trust them". : Talking about best practices for your twitter bio.
Getting ready for live broadcast of -- a show about inbound marketing. Sitting in live studio audience. Record crowd.
@shefaly : I do take user contributions for those that are so inclined. (And, if you're that inclined, you probably walk funny). :)
@BrianMoran : I'm a huge Stephen Wright fan, but have resisted that temptation. That would be way too easy. Lot funnier -- but too easy.
@WineGuyKy : Reach out to @mvolpe -- he can put you in touch with someone @hubspot for an inbound marketing interview. Cheers.
Writing progress quips for Twitter Grader. I'm restless. Just added "the problem with cloud computing is there's no server to kick..."
@jgaone : I'll be interested in hearing what PHP book you wind up with. I've read 5 in the past few months. Lots of catching up to do.
@COStartups “The Boomerang Founder is the one that u “throw away” but then comes
@gigigirls88 I'll work on that for next year. But, I lean towards picking someplace warm to escape the Boston winter for a bit.
@brianshin Sorry man. I'm just not a politics kind of guy (in any shape or form). But, thanks for thinking of me.
Looking for an example non-profit website that has a super-effective and simple call to action asking for behavioral/attitude change.
@spolsky - “and in fact we probably hired you because you’re smarter than I am.”
@Lgrun : Great to meet you too (and by the way, I use @onstartups as my primary twitter account).


Josh Kopelman Mike Champion Maggie Mason Noah Chris Sacca Rod Begbie Wayne Sutton Ross om Gavin steve epstein Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Michael Parekh Paul Terry Walhus Dion Hinchcliffe Raj Bala Matt Cutler Jeff Bonforte David Crow Nabeel Hyatt WDavidStephenson BJ Cook Josh Bancroft Brett Petersel Hiten Shah Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Al Abut Brian Del Vecchio Elliott Ng Kingsley Joseph Sooz Anne Jayne
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