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Watched "Fred Claus" last night. Worst movie ever. The was one good part -> a chase scene with the song "The Bird is the Word".
Wondering how productive coworking is really. Out of the 1st 5 tweets in RSS today there is mention of "Margaritas, beer, and 50+ people" :P
All of my family has agreed ahead of time to not buy christmas presents and instead just meet, eat and spend time. Sorry, #economy :P
Working the erlang vm over again with my noob-to-intermediate skillz.
@janl true. I just thought couchdb FT indexing would work better built in or closely tied. I don't know though.
Who is up for coworking next week in Portland, OR? I am on the move from Kauai & working alone. Would be interesting to meet up and cowork.
@langalex I think the benefit of full text indexing being directly in erlang/couchdb would be. 1) full text on views, 2) scales with couchdb
@janl if couchdb soon spans multi-node and datasets get real large, wouldn't solr be not-so-scalable? I don't presume to know - just asking.
Am still amped about AMQP from the Google Tech talk I watched yesterday on RabbitMQ. Am excited about the future with a messaging-crazy web
Got an SMS from a random # in Chico -> says "God loves u" so as Bill Murray in Caddy Shack would say "At least I have that going for me."
@Caged but maybe snow in Portland Sunday!!! yayz
I am liking the new iPhone Amazon app. Just in time for the holiday shopping and my addiction to Amazon prime while in Oregon.
A choice quote from the RabbitMQ / Erlang Google Tech Talk "All the tweet-traffic on twitter could be handled by one RabbitMQ box"
Erlang and (the future of web frameworks like) Nitrogen have me super jazzed about building high performance JQuery/JSON/REST web apps.
Kauai is like another planet compared Oregon (in the winter). At home on Kauai it's winter and rain .... @ 78ยบ F.
Just watched the rabbitmq google tech-talk. Good solid basics of amqp, rabbit & erlang's special abilities in messaging.
_Stop = erlang:now(), q().
@jkwatson sure I am here until Jan 9


rabble J Chris Anderson Josh Bancroft James Turnbull Nick Gerakines Geoffrey Grosenbach Michael Koziarski Adam Keys Avi Bryant Anthony Eden Dav Yaginuma Jim Lindley Jeff Barr Ed Finkler Werner Vogels Deepak Amy Hoy microformats Nathaniel Talbott BryanL The Rubyist Chris Wanstrath PJ Hyett Bob Ippolito Justin Palmer rick Err the Blog Dave Fayram Chad Fowler Scott Barron Jan Lehnardt Ben Bleything tom Seth Ladd Tim Bray Joe O'Brien Jason Seifer
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