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video and audio compression formats and containers are one big ugly mess.
Stretching my back on the kitchen bench. Longing for summer.
wish the console in webkit nightlies would nicely display objects (like firebug does)
brain doesn't work today, dang.
@lazyatom for prototype/rails there's the css-class-name and element_id_name convention
RIP horst tappert
@gkaindl thx, found it... :) now wishing for a twinkle theme.
Ah, seems the simple theme works better. Again, The 'hide app options in the settings app' design decision of the iPhone proves questionable
Tweetie is nice, but wastes tons of screen space. Hoping for an update on this soon.
@jarkko cool pictures, i really like :)
@paulca you're very welcome! love the responsiveness of the UI, and the speedy text msg delivery
Hard to get out of bed today
It's the BSD devil smashing racism.
"Beta: Use caution – This route may be missing sidewalks or pedestrian paths." Beta? hm?
Sooo tired. Wish this 'winter' thing was over already. Miss the sun.
munching on peanuts, nothing else in da house. waiting for @amyhoy to arrive so we can order delicious schnitzel
Petting my parents' new dog "Willi"
dear EU organizations who sponsor internet censorship: fuck you.
pushed a new release! yay! oh the excitement!
awesome, seems the "disappearing cursor" bug is not really fixed in firefox 3. bug has been around since 2002.


Biz Stone Jerry Richardson Tim Kersey Clay Johnson Molly E. Holzschlag Alex Hillman Amit superamit Gupta Geoffrey Grosenbach Tom Bridge Michael Koziarski Natalie Scott Raymond Amanda Wheeler Alex Payne Greg Borenstein Bruce Williams Obie Mike Brown James Adam Robby Russell Jamie van Dyke Britt Selvitelle Jacqui Maher Dan Webb takeo Amy Hoy Erik Kastner Ben Fullerton Chris Grant Andrew Dupont Eric A. Meyer BryanL The Rubyist Eric Hodel Linda Mills Jacob Harris Michael
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