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The week before Christams and it´s raining...
Ha! Wonderful day! Celebrating with oysters and Fernet Branca! Ha!
Hungry like hell - PIZZA!
New office - new life : )
Arffff... I was supposed to go to sleep, but writing on a new novel became more interesting
Now business idea is devolping : )
Beer and oysters - almost as good as langustas and vinho verde....
Problem with your cellphone, Vale?
There are some people that carries bats, yes : )
Late night bedtime because of meetings - wanna sleep....
This autumn day is suitable for a book, a bar and a beer. Weather is lousy.
Hi Vale - I´was just added on your list, nice
The intense rain wke me up to the satisfaction of ongoing projects.
Swappin car for scooter is a good idea. In CT you need to add a bat...
When buying scooter - don´t forget helmet (necessary even when bar hopping)
Finally - everything is installed (with back-up) in my laptop!
How to write an industrial text - find the poetry in steel
Finally! I found a solution to my new site without using images of silencers, baseball bats or Stealth bombers!
Got finished with work 3 in the morning. Today I have no eyes...
Hermit? You too? How about starting a club for hermits?; )


*spo0ky* Damian Stephens