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Fun night of delish vietnamese food and cheezy brand placem... I meant The Day the Earth Stood Still with @5tu. We actually improved it.
Don't you wish you could issue terminal commands on real life entities? Like: whereis "my house keys"
It's another "Zod, I wish I worked out of a hot tub" kinda day
I really like living in a W Hotel, 4 minutes walk from the office, with a Starbucks on the way. Can we transplant this setup to Los Angeles?
@hughmcguire But you want your site to be your users drug of choice. Look at all of us addicted to twitter.
Zerotonine by JunkieXL is my newest iTunes purchased. Old favorite, finally became available. Simple beats for the tired mind.
@belthesar If it's code, I write it ;-) These days, mostly Java, Ruby, PHP, but have earned my stripes in C and even assembly.
Munged up my Macports on my personal laptop. Spending the morning reinstalling all my sexy dev tools.
San Fransisco, we're here. Office x-mas party tonight, movie tomorrow, then ...?
Decided to do the guy pack. Wad clothes into giant ball. Shove into luggage. Zip up. Pray hotel's iron can sort it out.
@caseymckinnon: "OMG! Look at me! I look like a crackwhore! Look at me!" Me [to myself]: "I'd rather not ..."
Brain ... dead ... Rudy ... going to ... San ... Fransisco. ... Be ... sure ... to ... wear ... pretty ... flowers ... in ... my ... hair.
You remind me of the babe.
Sing a long! "Magic Dance" by Bowie from Labyrinth (yes I'm obsesses) I'll play Bowie. You're all goblins. Will reply to first response. Go!
Anyone seen Daft Punk's Electroma? Thoughts? Thumbs up/down?
My eulogy for @templesmith. He was not mean to kids. Nor did he eat people. Much. Maybe a nibble or two.


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