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Could "Flinchy" become a musical? I think not.
playdate for wallflower once she gets home from school. w00t. (very small w00t).
finally figured out that some podcasts on itunes just don't like the simultaneous downloads setting.
@brucefp I'm just here to make sure he doesn't embellish things with those fancy-assed words of his. Good words right order my ass ;-)
@Melzer No, Leonardo diCaprio remaking Akira... that is Hell freezing over.
WP 2.7 has comment threading, sticky posts, and batch editing of tags on posts, yay.
scifiwire just punked me. "Terminator Salvation" Trailer Leaked - but it points to a youtube video that has been pulled.
@msolocinski I don't think I've heard that one...
@maebreakall ah, you and jett taking care of me today... wait, that didn't come out right.
Claire? ... Save the Flinchy... Save the World.
@MistressJett his name actually isn't finchy or flinchy... but what is his real name? ... hmmm.
E.T.A. for ep. 37: Thursday night.
Site updates today... Updated Voices page (finally added info for people that never sent me bios), added all-in-one SEO plug-in.
@pfischer reminds me a little of steve buscemi... a lot, even.
@pfischer that's why I call him that. You should see flinchy at work -- a jittery little f*&ker if there ever was one.
@pfischer we'll see who wins that battle. @theseanachai insists on calling him Finchy.
@MistressJett - ahhhh... my day is made. ;-)
damn you @sheila_dee - your flickr 'tagged' meme made me discover the map feature of flickr. Now I'm putting all my photos on the map.
skype update makes claims of better call performance. That'd be great.
Only thing that has made my morning worthwhile is @scottsigler's Nocturnal and Contagious two-fer.


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