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:: Up too early for me, and I have to do it again tomorrow. Let's hope people are excited to talk about wikis!
@shannonk Yeah, probably not good to walk up to co-workers and go, "You are a whore, darlin'."
:: Back home after a weekend with just the perfect amount of interactions with others. Mind and heart fueled.
:: Okay, finally off for that night away. Shutting down the computer, which I won't touch for over twenty-four hours!
:: Off for an overnight trip to see a little show and go to a little party. No laptop will travel with me.
@triatriatria Oh, no! We can't get anyone to show up at our holiday party next Saturday.
:: I've been so busy, that I've barely checked twitter and Facebook and blogs and all that other stuff. The horror!
:: I'm a walking study in demonology. My name is "Might-have-been."
:: It's easy to maintain a steady walking rhythm of 3.3 MPH on the treadmill while listening to a little ditty called "Sweet Transvestite."
:: Tomorrow, I sleep until my normal time. Enough with the early meetings! Oh, wait, I have three next week?
@mopie Welcome to my world.
@partsnpieces Yeah, well, tell me something I didn't expect! ;)
:: The UPS guy must hate us for the number of packages he has to carry up stairs for us from Amazon. And Amazon must love, love, love us.
@MaryEllen It's the one where they run around the Eiffel Tower!
@newkidonthehall Well, it's not like you've had the best experiences there lately. It can't feel good to go back.
@MaryEllen When it gets in my head, I keep doing lines from the music video. "Look over your shoulder!"
@ohbettinadear Kind of like the article MF linked to. Also, it seems like situational activism as opposed to sustained. And for marriage?
@sisypheantask I admit that I know no one who is doing anything. What is funny is how I got slammed for being critical of it.
@partsnpieces You got it! Central time?


New Kid Heather Powell Amanda Page Starbucks Coffee Bryan J Busch jbj Lyn Never koroshiya Mignon Fogarty JennW Chuck T Vanessa Fox Mary Ellen Carter Tom Aubrey Harmon isabelle Becky Says Jackie R, Kait W. Kymm Zuckert selila Melinda Troy Hicks Stever Robbins David Brownlee George Online Atara Billie Hara shannonk xombie Rebecca Moore Howard sisoma sisypheantask robinreagler Robert Rummel-Hudson katie