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Off to bed - a 9 a.m. board meeting in midtown tomorrow.
@johnbattelle that can't be a sustainable sequence. or if it is for you, then I want to know what the trick is!
Well now I feel really stupid.
Today was quite hectic and I missed all the Tweets.
@steffanantonas 2/3 through the book. I am not blown away, kind of still unimpressed.
New desks in AdaptiveBlue office look awesome.
Inbox is almost empty.
@rww 43 Things quiz: said: 'You are a Self-Knowing Money Managing De-Clutterer' 0/833 people like me?
I love Twitter and email support. 1000 times better than f2f or phone support.
@dalesio became unresponsive, no way to kill apps or bring up the app manager. i had to reboot it.
My MacBook hosed today first time in 2 years.
Fighting a mountain of email backlog.
Co-founders of Addon Conference, Fraser Kelton and Robert Reich
The tree is up, decorated with awesomeness from Pier1.
A limo driver in a top car service in new york city: my income is down 35% in the past 3 months.
Aza Raskin (Ubiquity) and Alex Faaborg (Firefox UI) have new podcast on User Interfaces and Design.
Early new year resolution: no beef, pork, etc. Prefer fish to chicken and turkey. Feels right to start scaling back to my vegetarian days. - @comcastcares still no dice, messages are not retrieved. also, do not see bulk delete.


Josh Kopelman Beau Dave Winer JohnBorthwick joshua schachter greg cohn Eric Friedman Fraser Kelton Deepak Sam Pullara Nick Baum Eric Wiesen Mike Beltzner marshallk Fred Wilson Alex Faaborg Michael Cosentino mike dunn Scott Penberthy Rey Bango Aunt Bee Firefox Mike Shaver Tim O'Reilly Thomas Tague Chris Shipley bijan sabet Brad Feld Vada Dean Richard MacManus Kara Swisher Andy Roth dick costolo Karen Teng Steffan Antonas Jeff Condal