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Have inadvertantly dressed like a Christmas elf. Furry boots & hat. Sparkley scarf & green sack slung over my shoulder. Happy smiles@ me
Birthday yesterday was utterly amazing. Thank you all! Now if someone could bring me an asprin
Tonight the moon will be closer to the earth than it has been in the last 15yrs. And it's my birthday :)
Cupcakes are all made and are gorgeous little bits of deliciousness if I do say so myself. See everyone at Pianos!
@irockiroll Honey, sweetie, darling- you would LOVE Gilmore Girls. I have them all on dvd.
Oh and parents decided to make my brother take the bus home. I hope it wasn't my uncontrollable weeping that stopped them.
Making a ton of birthday cupcakes but am very sleepy. The next 50 might have to wait until tomorrow.
@sashafrerejones Glad somebody finally had the courage to admit that.
My parents are driving 7 hours to get my brother from college for break at 2:30am missing my birthday tomorrow. Thanks bro.
@jeddeth you'll need to email or im me to find it out. Hint, it's a saint (and Archie comic books character).
Just got ten emails/ims asking what my middle name is.
Just picked up a case of wine at the Oops Wine offices for my birthday, thanks guys! Gratis vino for friends tomorrow!
Today feels like a Scottish summer day.
hahaha, you can totally see me dancing to Chester French here: Embarrassing.
Just added Alan Astor to my birthday line-up. Get ready to dance!
"Hi, want to go to the Met?" "Uh, no, I am opting to watch I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, but thanks"
Making a big pot of lentil stew after being inspired by Brook's last night. This season is all about warm economical food.
My roommate just bought Blur reunion tickets. London anyone?
No joke. Friendly Fires may be me favourite band to come out of 2008. Even in the despicable, sweltering, Annex, they were great.
Have eaten salsa and chips and a few hershey's kisses for breakfast/lunch. I need to go grocery shopping.


Arjan Writes Flavia Durante Taylor McKnight janelle Ice Cream Man SXSW Yiyo Gothamist kelly reeves The Scenestar Jason Kottke Sub Pop Records lindsay robertson miss modernage Patrick Duffy WOXY Jerry Yeti nora Cameron Cook Jeff Baum Abbey Braden David B. jen carlson Matt Gross greg sullivan Sam Weston Sara Schaefer Jeff McClain amrit singh Rachelandthecity Stereogum Sean Wheatley Anthony Volodkin sarah lewitinn thecultureofme Prefixmag/DavePark
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