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I am stubbornly refusing to go to bed and instead making chocolate-covered pretzels for my coworkers.
Okay, I have GOT to stop watching videos of parents coming back from Iraq and surprising their kids in class. SOBSOBSOB.
@mposten THAT KILLS ME. Maybe I will wear that shirt on the plane so she recognizes me from my yittel pikchure! Yay!
@heldincontempt "Hi everyone! We look a bit different this year. Witness protection.... well, we can't really talk about it. Merry Xmas!"
@heldincontempt Ha! Other people's cards! I think you should send them out anyway.
Silly me, agreeing to the 2.2 iPhone upgrade when syncing last night. Phone will now only make emergency calls. FU, Apple.
@Tracy I'm using 639MB (8%). I figure I'll start deleting when I get to 90%, which should be when I am, actually, 90.
Partner to ER re: report I turned around in 24 hrs: "This is incredibly helpful. Seriously. Thank you." It's going on my fridge.
Sending good vibes to my sister cat at Yahoo. These are fractious times, my friends.
I blame the unsightly Governor misspelling on four hours of sleep.
Yo, Illinois peeps. What's in the water at the Governer's office? They all seem to turn out kinda shady
Back at work after a seven-hour turnaround. Yay!
(1000 may be a slight exaggeration. Still.)
Printed about 1000 articles, left them on printer until done. Now find out I was on some setting that printed them landscape. *headdesk*
Why must Lexis print everything in .008 point font? I'm going to go blind reading. Perhaps I will then get workers comp!
Sister Hazel remade "Just What I Needed"? Really? Was that necessary?
@heldincontempt I am a total sucker for Time's year-end top ten lists.
Does anyone else think five nights a week of Leno in prime time is about five nights a week too much?
Excuse me, but this is genius: It's Pride and Prejudice, Facebooked!
My chianti is COLD, just from sitting on my coffee table. Must hold it like brandy and warm it back up. Cold chianti = ugh.