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i avoided watching Once for the longest, because i thought it would be sad and break my heart. it was sad and broke my heart.
@Kimtacular that's what i said! and aw. you are nice. wherever i land, i will let you guys know!
p.p.s. thanks, all you guys who read the site. it was a wonderful gig, and a lot of that was you.
p.s. yes, elastic waist's going away, come the end of december. i, for one, will miss my corporate overlords. and being able to pay rent.
omg i am anemic. or have reynaud's disease. hypothyroided. have circulatory issues. am low in nutrients. broken! or it's winter.
spent all night working on a website. was often filled with frustration and a great deal of rage but dude! i made it go! mostly.
this is a test. if it were a real twitter, it would have even less content.
i just spent twenty minutes going on about weight watchers. who am i, and what have i done with my interestingness?
@drinkaweek are you pouring the gin right down your throat again? use a glass, you barbarian!
a breakfast sandwich cures so many ills. and also a hangover.
oh look. more wines.
noooooooo they be stealin' my wine!
i has a wine.
@kmeisner if teleportation were free and not called an airline ticket, god, how i absolutely would be there in a flash.
@rumhud you are FANCY. and omg, i have a tattoo to get finished. february is as good a month as any, is what i think.
@xeney YES. I'll live in your backyard and subsist off limes.
@jaredg that is EXACTLY what i stood in the middle of the street and screamed!


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