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Funniest social media parody / mashup I've ever seen. Humor increased if you know Austen's Pride & Prejudice by heart
Noting the Senate denied a 14B bailout for the USAs biggest industry after approving no-strings 700B giveaway to Banks. Barn door closed.
@globalcitizen Funny. I just found out about a "Myfirstname Mylastname Sim" on FB. I've thought of friending her for the same reason.
Icing on @billder's cake: the game is Lord of the Rings. "The process is so manual, it's incredible." [all mech. hand-installed & tested]
@TiEsQue Allow me to recommend the Adagio Green Tea Kettle - it heats water to customized temperatures:
@mediajunkie Yes - Recorder works beautifully.
@geekygirldawn This explains my confusion - was going to introduce myself, but MK did not resemble his avatar enough.
@Ayse Happiest of birthdays to you! Best wishes for a year that befits your intelligence, love & activism, w/ a dash of snark for fun. XO
Whoa. Weird power outage, like a roller earthquake. Offf...onOff oOoOn OFF. Power back after 30 seconds. Will deal w/microwave clock in AM.
@isaacman Do I understand correctly, that you're tweeting while flying a plane into SeaTac? Wow.
Going nuts trying to find font I saw online last week. Kind of deco, some lowercase (A, H) miniaturized uppercase, others typical lowercase.
@kate_77 Thank you so much! It was good to see you yesterday!
@skyekilaen Me too! Portland just didn't have the infrastructure...Chicago's a great city, but it's unlikely I'll be going this time. You?
Bravo @caseorganic, @brampitoyo, @xolotl, @tylersticka, et al! #cyborgcamp was fantastic!
So, a more calibrated moderation/comment rating system leads to more nuanced and thoughtful comments. #cyborgcamp
but we need "tiered sharing" and access. 2 of 2 #cyborgcamp
will open id become the identity clearinghouse? Put you various "pieces of flair" to demote which communities you are part of.
So, what bites is I can barely hear @billder due to ambient noise
Correction: Edith Wharton book illustrated by Maxfield Parrish. Thank you, iPhone.


veen Chris Baum Maggie Mason danah boyd peterme Mr Messina Brian Oberkirch Gene bryan mason Thomas Vander Wal Josh Bancroft Dan Saffer Alex Hillman Justin Kownacki Dr. Brazen Hussy Lee LeFever Jennifer Bove Robert Scoble Andy Baio Heather Powell Amanda Page Ian Schray Misha Tepper Scott Kveton Hugh MacLeod jessamyn west Liz Danzico Reid Beels Lyn Never Rashmi Sinha AB Chao Coley Wopperer jody Jorge Arango Jonathan Boutelle Steven Frank
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