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Finally learning about Blackboard from our excellent support staff. I am shocked by how much it is unable to do!
Tool #1 for goal # 1 (collaborate): <http://www.eighteenthcentur...>
Among my 2009 goals: collaborate, simplify, synchronize.
Sign up with <> right now & get unlimited disk space and bandwidth forever. Wowzers. Limited time.
Yeah, SpanningSync is just flat-out not working. Should be simple. Is not.
@spanningsync Well, not all of the contacts sync. Not all of the calendar events sync. No rhyme or reason, seemingly..
@cljennings No, just having fun.
is over capacity. Please try again in a few minutes.
@drnels :: It's too early for that dress.
@briancroxall Maybe I don't need it, either. And given that it's not terribly hard to sync contacts manually, Calabration might be enough.
@briancroxall Visions of Calendar+Contacts sync are dancing in my head. Google's Calabration only does Calendar, right?
@academicdave D'oh! Hadn't noticed that. *sigh*
Not terribly impressed w Spanning Sync <> so far during trial period. Next up: Busy Sync <> trial.
But, ultimately, being realistic about the disciplinary "powers that be" and the glacial pace with which change arrives in academia.
And finally, getting excited by possibilities for annotation / citation / linking / cross-referencing facilitated by web-based scholarship.
Also wondering how scholarly writing would change if more journals provided free access on the web, fundamentally altering the readership.
Thinking about what the relationship between scholars and "the public" would be like if more journals provided free access on the web.
Why isn't everything in Google services (Gmail's contacts, Gdocs, Gcal, and the new Gtasks) =ly taggable? (@spinuzzi asked this awhile ago)
Fred, the voice from Radiohead's "Fitter Happier," is on the radio warning me about tornados. Thx, Fred.


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