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waiting for @swisstoni to get into town. Joan as a Policewoman tonight. Hoping for a chilled audience.
#earwormwednesday "Bah Humbug!", no, that's too strong 'cause it's my favourite holiday...
making a stew, boiling up chicken stock, baking mince pies, wrapping presents and writing cards. Move over, Nigella.
chopping, grating, crushing & simmering...
@bobzyeruncle I'll collect my piece on Thurs. Thanks for being so well prepared :-)
@digallagher hoo and indeed rah. And good timing. The lack of caffeine today has me finding excuses to do chores from the comfort of my sofa
setting deadlines during my week off: the only way I'll avoid that sinking feeling on Sunday when I realise no 'To Do' has been ticked
braving the christmas shopping hoards. Well, when i say braving, i mean hanging around outside my favourite deli waiting to get coffee
@sophiemostly that's plain unfair, hangover or not.
been sitting on the express bus for ten mins, waiting for it to leave. Right at the scheduled time twelve people with no change turn up.
#earworms "The Something of Boris..." via Watch with Mothers (apologies to @swisstoni)
Gotta love the Canadian pensioners. Theirs is always the first Christmas card to arrive - presumably, they think, by carrier pigeon?
up early on my day off to go to a spa for pampering. Something not quite right about that(for 'pampering' read 'lolling around with a book')
@canfan - ooo - thank you for the link. Shame they're not right on the doorstep, but reckon it has to be done!
@lyleD4D: your tweetcloud is very positive...and nicely sweary!
unnecessarily excited at my first glimpse of snow this winter
finding that catching up with Spooks, and the lateness of the hour does not promote a conducive atmosphere for productive work
@swisstoni you have cake? you have a doggy bag?
waiting on POTW votes. [drums fingers]


Evan Williams Siobhan Curran Hg Mike T-D anna pickard Jenni diamond geezer Simon Hepworth astaa bob Mr Angry Tim S Twitterrific Simon Collison SwissToni Lucy Pepper david belbin Smuttley Gordon McLean Lyle Adrian Photojojo Alex Foster the Left Field k Tim Beaver bennycrime michaelengle seetickets hashtags sophiemostly PastaQueen lethalbuzzle The Num Num paulcarr girlwithonetrackmind