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@xombie adding my fingers crossed as well.
is happy and she knows it. *clap clap*
had to make a Bad Mom call to the pediatrician. You mean I can't let my son eat Xmas ornaments? Who knew?
Has to use the bathroom, but baby asleep on lap; when put in crib, cries. Dilemma!
misses her weekly date night with @tduffy.
is enjoying some excellent hot 'n sour soup. To do so, playing an ep of Futurama for Tai. That won't melt his brain, right?
is exhausted. *yawn*
has the zillionth cold of the season and is sniffly. Baby is a germ-bank. Good thing he's so adorable, even when snotty.
Is actually writing in the coffeeshop. Progress on the novel!
is considering her Bucket List.
has cold feet and also hormone-induced moodiness. (aren't you glad you're coming home early, @tduffy?)
has cramps and a crazed baby. Woo fun times.
@koroshiya Now *that* is a good idea. Wish I were doing the same
is trying to remind tai that napping in the crib is a good thing. He begs to differ.
was outsmarted by Twitterific's @ responding. Last tweet was meant for @Katekintail. Bah.
Thanks! Hope the writing went well. Go nano!
threw a successful surprise party for her mom. Happy birthday, Mom!
is not giving in to teh Crazy
finally finished baking and working. Now, feed baby and sleep.
enjoys watching Tai both eat cheerios and tease the dogs with them.


casey Amanda Page jessamyn Bryan J Busch Lyn Never Joshua Green Allen koroshiya hotdogsladies JennW Barack Obama nita daniel Wil Wheaton Vanessa Fox Tom Duffy Lisa Geisinger Howard the Dog Becky Says Melly Dooce Erika atomic David Brownlee xombie GrrrArgh Robert Rummel-Hudson katekintail wings5gal Tai_Isidor patduffy mopie DrNels jenfoo fakemerlinmann Artemis Rich No on Prop 8 sarahjanet