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is heading out soon to spend some time at The Strand, and then meet up with @thexmedic later for lunch.
@marrael Skype should be working fine. Try again.
is, apropos of nothing, Captain Crustynose, and is sure you all wanted to know that.
succumbs to Morpheus' sleep dust. G'night.
had fun at the film shoot today.
is waiting around while they set up a shot. Big fight scene.
has accidentally gotten a role as the confessional interviewer. My voice may be in the shots. W00t?
: first scene done. Good improv, funny stuff.
got roped into being a script consultant for an online comedy pilot. Shooting starts in 15 minutes.
spent most of the day at the Borders on West 33rd next to Madison Square Garden. Got some good writing done. Whole Foods for dinner. Yay!
can barely breathe through his nose. Mucal invader, is there no end to your oozing?
just made some scrambled eggs. Awesome, as always. :)
just picked out a Xmas tree with his sister, and carried it home on the subway. Onlookers seemed impressed. Smells very nice.
has a new story at The Daily Cabal today: "Car Park City,"
was jazzed to see Barzak's and @tobiasbuckell's new books at the Minneapolis airport bookshop.
is stuffed up after 30 hours of uberdry airplane & airport air, and possibly catching flu on flight #1. Allergies aren't helping either.
is boarding the flight to JFK now. Exit row seats: awesome. See youse!
is so sleepy that he hopes he won't miss the boarding call.
is boarding soon. Next stop: Noo Yawk Sittay!


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