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@secretseasons Don't feel defeated! It's so common in first babies, and it sounds like Mom and Baby are doing fine. Virtual hugs!!
Pulling myself away from my computer to go to bed...
My computer is home! My computer is home! Yay! I didn't seem to lose River's bday pics, either, which is what I was worried most about. Whew
@secretseasons I hope for Lynne's sake that natural labor takes care of things by then. We'll be thinking about you guys all weekend!
During his morning bottle, River popped it out of his own mouth and tried to feed it to his teddy bear! SOooooo cute, omg!
Home after a successful trip to pick up glasses, pony, presents and lunch. River & I played chase and HE chased ME for the first time! Fun!
Ok, NOW we head out!
All ready to go out to pick up the baby's glasses & he gets absorbed in a book. Guess I'll pick up some puppies and get sea mammals to mate!
The baby was being quiet - too quiet - so I checked on him. He noticed me looking at him & then started crying b/c I'm ignoring him. Sigh!
Called Apple - part came in, will try to get repair done today. Nicely asked "do whatever you can -- I need to balance my checkbook soon!"
@stephburgis Oooh! I'm jealous that you've got most of Gilmore Girls ahead of you! Enjoy! (Warning: they talk so loud they might wake baby.)
Happiness is pushing a stroller through a bright, sunny, not-cold day in Oakland, CA singing "Let it Snow!" at the top of my lungs.
@secretseasons So.... I read this as contractions have begun? YAY!!!
Sometimes you've just got to let go of whatever it is your baby is merrily destroying and think to yourself, "Eh, it won't hurt him."
This has been a bad day for wankers. Well, they probably consider it a good day, but that made it a bad day for me!
Saw a guy on my way to work dressed as follows (from bottom up): dress shoes, black knee-socks, boxers, hoodie, sweatpants (around neck).
@susanmarie Heh, I wonder if we've fought over puppies! You on Feathermoon? Which character?
Doing dailies to earn rep to buy a penguin.
@timpratt I might eat Greg's ham... (er... that came out wrong). All you have to do is slice it thin and call it "prosciutto" and I'm in!
@Shmuel510 I've been run out of a laundromat before (never get into a fight over a washer in a laundromat in Oakland). That was a bad day.


Shmuel Gwenda Barack Obama Juliet U. Plantgirl Cory Doctorow John Klima Susie Bright Thida Cornes NPR News obiwansmith heathen The Exploratorium Greg van Eekhout chavoen shunn Michael Canfield secretseasons Kristina Wright tobiasbuckell Laura Bauer jstrahan John Scalzi Jenn Reese Samantha Ling Jason Higbie MarsPhoenix cmpriest jenfoo Tobiasbuckell Jon Hansen timpratt susanmarie CassiniSaturn Deborah_Layne Steph Burgis