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Just snapped out of a 20-minute trance. Creativity is fabulous, but is sometimes just a little *too* much braincandy.
OMG... Michele sent me OREGON ROCKS. Fondlesniffing now.
I may have just started answering the 500+ Ravelry emails in the box. My withdrawl is becoming scary.
@yolanda -- I have NO idea how to do that. I = not so technobright.
With some horror, I'm realizing I'm getting a whole lot done with Plurk down. Like, a *whole lot*. This could be more telling than I'd like.
@jassylime I know...I'm getting eyetwitchings and withdrawl symptoms. Tempted to walk around the house talking in third person.
@crochetcomplsiv but it's way more fun, and *I'm* there! Well, not at the moment, but you know what I mean. :)
So disturbed was I over the lack of Plurk that I passed out for five hours. G'morning, much-neglected Twitterers. :)
Contemplates coffee. And world domination.
Remember when I said that thing about plurk not going down? I take that back today.
I appear to have abandoned twitter for plurk. Sorry, y'all, but the IMlike convos are much easier to follow, and it's not down all the time.
I have no idea what to do with myself when Plurk is down for maintenance. Addict much?
Ended up making soap, mixing perfumes, and letterboxing before getting pizza. The housecleaning did not get done. Bummer. Ahem. :)
Considering options: dye yarn, make soap, or get out and go to the antiques fair in Walnut? Or maybe clean the house. Eww.
I have been sucked into the Plurky Darkside:
@tricoteuse Amen to that. If it's not going to imminently KILL YOU, and you LIKE it, why does anyone even care? It's freakin' KNITTING.
@Misalady I usually just put them outside for the duration of the process. It's only about a half-hour start to finish for a 3lb batch.
I totally misread Knitting Daily's last line about Dart Math as "Dart METH", which would be erratic and missing teeth instead of flattering.
@sockpr0n I just did that a few weeks ago -- I love being able to read the whole thing in bloglines vs. visiting every. single. site.
@DindraneErin I'll definitely try it! My Palm Kernel and avocado/shea & coconut oils arrived today, so I'm envisioning much play today. :)