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Love this band. Own a large percentage of their material. This sounds like "Beautiful Day" by U2, but even be... ♫
doesn't want to live in Seattle anymore. Wonders if we can move to Hawaii now. I hear it's sunny and beautiful there.
@gabbzilla: we can be 12 together, because that makes me laugh too.
@surfchik4jesus totally saved our bacon today.
@lavagal: have a great birthday!
is attempting to clean up the mess left by the rain. Dry rot by back door allows heavy rain to seep in through walls. Ick.
@Emmalita: I am shamed and humbled to admit I never read "Grapes of Wrath". It's on my list, though
Did you know Neil Young wrote this song? Now you do. ♫
@rsuenaga: already did. Yep, it's taken me that long.
has four days before I have to return "East of Eden" to the library. I don't think I'm gonna make it.
carpet near back door is completely saturated. It smells something fierce in here.
was supposed to bake something yummy for K's girl scout meeting tonight, but got lazy and bought cupcakes. Bad mommy!
@lavagal: he's at work. I was just extremely concerned about him getting stuck on the road. But he's fine.
hopes Ryan turns around and heads home. It's got to be a mess out there.
My favorite song. Ever. Yeah, I know. ♫
you know how when someone is annoying you but they're so funny that you just can't not laugh? My daughter is a master of that.
crap! I forgot! I gotta get Z a flu shot.
is catching up on laundry and contemplating a wal-mart run
@pupule: feel better, Auntie
is feeling adventurous and is attempting to make a fritatta with Portuguese sausage and cheese for dinner.